Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Truth: I'm doing NaNoWriMo this year.

So this fiction blog is on hiatus until further notice.

Some possible first lines:

Because I had never fainted before, the startling sensation of waking up after unconsciousness was entirely new to me.

She was always worried about her appendix, but terrorism didn't faze her in the slightest.

When the morning starts with a jumper, it's never a good morning for anyone.

She sucked the coffee down defiantly, though it burned her throat and made bile churn in her stomach.

You were the one I'd hoped for.


Ben said...

I would either choose the first, minus a few words:

"Because I had never fainted before, the startling sensation of waking up was entirely new to me."

Or the last, though the last would require some strong lines to follow. Lots of description to lay out the whole objective of the story probably.

I just started mine this morning, and it's going well. :) I was just googling who else might be doing it and found your blog. Good luck!

Melanie said...

Thanks for stopping by, Ben. I ended up not choosing any of these for my 2006 NaNo novel. Good luck! It can be a wonderful adventure.